
Music theory deep dive exploring the relationship between linguistics and music, graphic scores, and the psychological link between shapes and sound. This video is a compilation of my research linking music and shapes, culminating in an experiment attempting to demonstrate that link with scientific rigor.

Another theory experiment, utilizing a concept I coined, called a “Pitch band”. In this video, we use this pitch band to demonstrate the long thought impossible: Constructing a cluster chord with 1000 distinct notes, which actually sounds good.

Microtonality is all about the notes in between the notes.

In this video, we explore those notes and the concept of Xenharmonics by seeing what happens when we divide the two closest white keys of a piano into 12 separate notes.

What would Radiohead's True Love Waits sound if we reinterpreted it with microtonal harmony?

In this video, we take a deep dive into 31 EDO harmony and explore new avenues for chords and harmony such as Subminor chords, Supermajor chords, and neutral harmony. The video concludes with a performance from Levi McClain (microtonal bass, septavox, percussion), Stephen Weigel (Lumatone) and Braelen Addison (vocals).

Did that piano just talk to me?

In this video, we experiment with player pianos, sine waves, Fourier analysis, and human speech synthesis to see if we can mechanically get a piano to accurately reproduce human speech.

What is the Instagram Guitarist Phenomenon?

In this video, we explore the style of guitar that has evolved on Instagram over the past few years through musicians like Marcin, Tim Henson & Ichika Nito. How have social media guitarists like this affected the landscape of modern guitar music, and what are the ramifications of social media on music in the modern age. Levi is joined by bassist John Ferrara to discuss these pressing topics in music today.